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 Ways to Donate

No donation is too little. Whether you're giving up a coffee a month or making a generous donation, your donation matters and means so much to us. As a Nonprofit, we rely on people like you to help us fulfill our mission of changing the world toward compassion.

Donate Now

Click below to fill out a questionnaire to complete your donation. Remember this donation is a TAX WRITE OFF. You will have the opportunity to receive email updates as to what we are doing and how you are helping us make an impact. When budgeting for your month-to-month expenses, taking a portion and donating it to our mission could really impact the world. Let's change the world together. When you donate monthly you will receive email updates as to what we are doing and how you are helping us make an impact.

Shop Our Needs Here

Click below to shop our wish list. Remember this donation is a TAX WRITE OFF. Let's change the world together. You will have the opportunity to receive email updates as to what we are doing and how you are helping us make an impact.

Support a Senior Dog

Healing Species focuses on addressing "last resort" situations, with 40% of these cases involving senior dogs. Unfortunately, the adoption rate for senior dogs is significantly lower than that for their younger counterparts, as they account for only 25% of adoptions. This disparity arises because senior dogs are often the last to be chosen for adoption. At Healing Species, our mission is to provide the best possible quality of life for these senior dogs. We invite you to support our efforts in helping more senior dogs find their forever homes.

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